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Mon – Sat: 8:00 – 17:00

09 447 3857

Heat Reflective Roof Paint

The roof is any structure’s first line of defence against the elements and at the same time, it also helps homeowners minimize energy consumption. A heat reflective roof paint is a type of roof surface coating that greatly reduces your roof’s surface temperature radically. This will result in better comfort for all those inside the building and a greatly reduced need for air conditioning which would mean lower energy costs. A heat reflective roof paint is generally a white roof coating that contains polymeric binder mixed with tints and other additives like silver with asphalt, colouring flakes and pure aluminium. The latter additive provides the paint with a silver reflective coating. This type of coating offer two major advantages – protection of your roof to make it last longer and the bouncing away of solar radiation which in effect will lower your air conditioning bills.

Heat reflective roof paint is just like your regular house paint at first look. But the polymeric binders provide it with a denser consistency that makes it form a heavier coating on the roof’s surface. Reflective roof paint is applied to the surface just like any other type of paint – with roller, brush, or spray gun, and you can also mix special primers to help it adhere to the roof material. Reflective roof paints are white in order to bounce back the more thermal energy as it can.

Heat reflective roof paint can considerably reduce your indoor temperature which can greatly minimize your need to use air-conditioning even in extremely warm weather. When this type of paint is used on large structures such as a shopping centre, the decrease on heat inside can be so drastic the required cooling energy can be decreased. This massive reduction in heat can also lessen the wear and tear on your roof which will definitely extend its life.

Heat reflective paint is suitable to almost any roof material. In fact, the shape of the roof is the determining factor if reflective paint is your best option instead of the type of roof material. This type of paint is usually applied for low-sloped and flat roofs with very minimal insulation. Although this type of paint can be spread over any type of roof, well-insulated and sheer-angled roofs may not get the most out of the benefits that this type of paint provides.

Before applying the paint, the roof should be in good condition since the paint does not fix any type of damage. Heat reflective paint is great when the climate in your area is generally warm all year round which forces you to use indoor cooling most of the time.

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