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What Are the Most Common Misconceptions About Attic Ventilation?

Homeowners often underestimate the importance of attic ventilation as part of a roofing system. Effective air ventilation is not only crucial to protecting the attic but also the integrity of the entire roof. On top of all of this, homeowners also have misconceptions about how this ventilation works after installation. We are here to debunk the following most common misconceptions to clear up any that you may have on this important roofing feature.

Misconception: The Installation of Roof Vents Automatically Provides Adequate Ventilation for the Attic

The truth is that all roof vents are suitable in every type of house. For example, cost-effective ridge vents do not work efficiently without baffles to keep the air out of the attic. You need to have both or the ridge vents cannot perform their function at all. Gable vents are effective at circulating air but only in a small area. If your attic is large, you may require too many of them to perform the job efficiently. Most professionals recommend the ride-and-soffit continuous systems for home for the best efficiency with roof ventilation. Of course, each house differs so you need a personalised analysis to know the perfect route to take for your home.

Misconception: Roofing Ventilation Systems Are Only for Warm Climates

Another misconception is the roof vents are only effective for warm climates to provide high thermal performance. This is not the case since roof ventilation is only a small part of the energy efficiency of a roof. The efficiency also depends upon the insulation, colour of the roof and the amount of direct sun exposure. Ventilation is important for the attic regardless of the weather not just for thermal performance but also for moisture control to prevent damage. Without proper air flow, moisture can build up in the attic and cause damage in the roof support system that can even lead to rot in severe cases.

Misconception: The Higher Number of Vents, the Better the Ventilation is in the Attic

At times, homeowners think that if they add a lot of vents to their roofs it will improve their ventilation. The problem with this belief is that too many vents allow places for roof penetrations and also increase the risk for leaks. There is no need to overdo on the number of vents. Only add the number that a professional advises you to do for your specific situation.

For additional information about the most common misconceptions about attic ventilation or to receive the right ventilation system for your house, turn to Johnson Roofing. We are experts with all aspects of roofing and re-roofing projects.

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